Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cross Our Hearts

I don't know if I say this often enough, but my friend Jessi Webb, is a genius.

She mentioned a new story idea that she had, but it wasn't just a plot outline that she had. No, my brilliant friend also had a very cool idea for the format of the story. She explained her ideas to me and I immediately jumped on the bandwagon. At first, I was just being supportive and helping her suss out plots and character ideas and eventually, I was like... "umm, can I help?" The gracious girl accepted and suddenly our creativity exploded.

We sat on MSN for hours talking about this amazing plot idea and these fun,unique characters. And we sorted out what exactly we wanted to do.

That's when we created Cross Our Hearts. (There is a link on my side bar ----> over there) but here it is again.

Cross Our Hearts is a story about a group of seven childhood friends, who've now grown and are trying to find their way in life. Despite their differences in age and personality, they've remained close. They've had to. Five years ago, they experienced the type of loss that left their group reeling. The death of a friend.  An oath was sworn and they had to deal with the guilt and consequences of that ever since.

Sound good? We hope it does!

Each blog post is a chapter and each one is written from one of the seven friend's point of view. There are tags on the left of the page with each character's posts. Eventually we hope that you can read it in several ways. You can read the traditional way - each post as we post it. Or you can choose your favourite character and read through their posts first them move onto the next.

However you decide to read it, we truly hope you enjoy it. We are having so much fun writing this story and we'd love to hear what you think. Please leave us your thoughts in the comments of each chapter or you can email Jessi or I from the contacts page linked at the top.

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