Sunday, August 22, 2010

New blog for a new novel

After seeing that a good friend of mine had created a new blog for her book (the amazing Memoires of Daniel by the insanely talented, Jessica Rose) I decided that I loved the idea enough to create one for Scarlet.

Scarlet is my version of the Robin Hood legend, told through the eyes of Will Scarlet. Robin Hood plays an important role but the tale is really Will's. It is hopefully a fresh look at a story that I've always loved.  Will has always been my favourite character in those stories and movies and I love being able to get inside his head and wander around a bit.

My version of things isn't going to be like any of the other stories because of the change in perspective but the basic premise is the same. I'm only on the sixth chapter but I already have some characters that I love writing. They have really taken shape in my head and I hope I'm getting them across alright. Jessi seems to enjoy them and that is a huge relief.

Its pretty amazing to have Jessi writing her novel at the same time as I am writing mine. We have formed an awesome little writing group. We each read each other's work, we have word wars together, we discuss different aspects of the book and we offer each other critiques or just an ear to listen when one of us needs to verbally bounce something off the other. Not to mention the cheerleading and ego boosting that we do for each other. And anyone who has ever written anything will tell you, self doubt can be a creativity killer.

Anyway, I am going to go write a bit more of Scarlet and see if I can't get chapter seven started tonight.