Monday, November 8, 2010

Time for an update

I have been really bad at updating in here but that's because I've been writing!! Scarlet is coming along really quickly this last month or so. I (along with Jessi Rose) are doing our own version of Nano this year. Our goal is not to hit 50k words. Our goal is simple. We have exactly 30 days to finish our books.

So far, Scarlet is sitting pretty comfortably at 35k and I have about 10 to 15 k left to write. I am hoping that it will be done by next weekend. And if I keep having nights like tonight, it won't be a problem. I wrote 2,500 words tonight.

Tonight I finished Chapter 16 and wrote all of Chapter 17. I have 21 chapters planned and a short epilogue so I am almost there! Then it's on to novel swap, and then edit and polishing. That is going to take a lot of work but I am still so excited about this book that I am actually looking forward to it.

And to celebrate, I figured I could post a little teaser from the opening scene to see what you think.

The warmth of the blood oozing over his hands stunned him. As the crimson liquid washed over the hilt of his sword and trickled down over his hands, Will forgot all about the other men who surrounded them. Two other men who, until this moment, had been just as eager to beat the somewhat gangly teenage boy as their dying cohort. All for a few moments with a young woman who was now crying silently off to the side, watching the events unfold in horror.

Lifting his gaze to stare in disbelief into the eyes of the man standing before him, Will could sense the moment the man's life ended. A small light seemed to extinguish from deep within him.

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